Doktorandkåren at Malmö University

The power of the union is the collective effort and engagement,
us as PhD-students at Malmö University coming together
to strengthen our rights and our research education.

Main purposes of the DSU 

  • Create and maintain influence in the decision making process of areas that touch upon research education and research environment, on faculty and central level

  • Arrange social activities and opportunities for PhD-students across the university to meet

  • Individual support to PhD-students through our ombudsperson

Doctoral Student Ombud

If you have encountered any problems during your doctoral studies or have questions about your rights as a doctoral student, you can contact the Doctoral Student Ombud . The ombud is hired by the DSU and is not connected to the university. You can get support through e-mail, Zoom, phone, or in person. The ombud can also join you to meetings with your supervisor or management to support you, if you wish. They can also support you with contacting other parties, such as the labor union or other agencies as needed. You can get support if you are a doctoral student at Malmö University, regardless if you are a member of the DSU or not.

Below you can find an FAQ. General information about doctoral studies in Sweden and rights as a doctoral student can also be found at the website of Sweden's United Student Unions (SFS).

What is the difference between the DSU and the labor union?

The DSU deals with your rights as a student whilst the labor union focuses on your rights as a worker. We advise you to be a member of both. If you are unsure if your problem or question relates to the student role or worker role you can contact the ombud.

I have a problem with my supervisor, which rights do I have?

We would advise you to first try to talk to your supervisor, or one of your supervisors about the problem. If you cannot talk to your supervisor you could talk to your manager, head of department/prefekt or similar. They are responsible for your work environment. You could contact the ombud to get support with this.
You have a right to change supervisor if needed, your department or supervisor cannot deny you this right. The ombud can assist you with this. It's helpful if you have an idea of who you would want as your new supervisor or added as an additional co-supervisor.

Contact us

Get in touch with the ombudsperson of the Doctoral Student Union at Malmö University.

Get in touch with the board of the Doctoral Student Union at Malmö University.